13 Star Sign Astrology
Note: 13 Star Sign Astrology is an ancient form of Astrology that hasn’t been used for over 2000 years. It is based on the true astronomical data of the Planets and includes the constellation of Ophiuchus (Serpentarius) who also sits on the ecliptic. So the Star Sign I am referring to may be in the previous Star Sign compared to the traditional forms of Astrology used. Our ancestors used this system of astrology for many centuries until the map was redesigned for agricultural reasons and because it didn’t allow movement for the precession of the equinox’s; or use the true sizes of the constellations; this map has been out of date for many, many years.
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The New Moon begins on the 1st October 2016 at 01:13 GMT in Virgo.
The New Moon begins in Virgo this month and is not a Black Moon; we only just miss it though. For some this will be a welcome relief, for others a disappointment depending on what you expected from it. The Virgo Moon in general is a moon of precision and pays a great deal of attention to detail. She is particular about food and health and this would be a good subject to concentrate on, as the New Moon is all about new beginnings. So creating a new diet plan or health regime would really be beneficial, as well as kicking bad habits. Negatively, the Virgo Moon can become obsessed with detail, losing sight of the bigger picture.
The aspects to our New Moon are still somewhat challenging this month although Saturn is in good aspect which gives us the opportunity to get organized with patience and a practical approach. If we can stay level headed, then much can be achieved, especially for those that are contented with the status quo in life. Jupiter too is giving us the ability to create good karma by being sympathetic and generous with others, especially when it comes to using good integrity, both honestly and wisely. Health again can benefit from Jupiter’s aspect to our New Moon as long as we can curb any desire to be more then what we are.
On the whole there is an intense energy coming in from Pluto and Mars, these two together emit a powerful energy and can be very destructive if they don’t get their own way…. Mars can cause us to become emotionally volatile and bad tempered, while Pluto can be abrupt and rebellious. There is definitely a danger of some us becoming, or continuing, to rebel against the tide of events and not facing up to, or dealing with any insecurities or past wounds. It is important that we deal with any old stuff that has been suppressed; otherwise we could take it out on those close to us or our environment in general. We cannot gain inner peace outside of ourselves by eliminating all that we think is the cause of our problems; we must go within and find our inner sanctuary to realize what the problem actually is. If we feel that we are owed a better lifestyle or are not receiving the recognition we feel we deserve, then we really do need to take a step back to analyze why that is, rather than to blame and shame others who are not responsible, but just happen to be in the way.
The Black Moon Lilith is in the sign of Libra this New Moon, once again casting her shadow of perfection and unrealistic expectations. Boundary issues are her downfall and her criticism of others and how things appear, is her blight. Self Judgment and pulling ourselves apart is not the answer but finding something of value within the situation is. We have an opportunity with Venus in conjunction, to put in some real work on balancing our dual natures, by bringing the light and dark within ourselves into equal equilibrium, if we can just move past the feeling of self righteousness and face our true issues without fear.
Autumn is a perfect time of letting go of the old, shedding old beliefs or self pride. There is no hurry to bring in the new, as winter follows autumn and is a time of stillness and self reflection, a time where we nourish bodies to keep us warm and healthy through the cold weather (in the North of the equator). This would be a good time to clear out our closets both inner and outer. Take a walk in the park or the woods to observe the beautiful colors of the autumn trees and breathe in the fresh autumn air. Meditations around the Element of Air, breathing techniques, or creating beautiful things with the colors of autumn or autumn leaves, would be good for our Souls.
On the whole it would be great time to get involved in community projects that are based around charitable causes, giving selflessly some of our time and effort to those that are vulnerable. This New Moon is all about recognizing the spirit of giving and being of service to those that are in genuine need.
Read more by Kim Lovelace (Star)