- Λεπτομέρειες
- Γράφτηκε από τον/την Kim Lovelace
- Κατηγορία: Kimgr
13 Star Sign Astrology
Note: 13 Star Sign Astrology is an ancient form of Astrology that hasn’t been used for over 2000 years. It is based on the true astronomical data of the Planets and includes the constellation of Ophiuchus (Serpentarius) who also sits on the ecliptic. So the Star Sign I am referring to may be in the previous Star Sign compared to the traditional forms of Astrology used. Our ancestors used this system of astrology for many centuries until the map was redesigned for agricultural reasons and because it didn’t allow movement for the precession of the equinox’s; or use the true sizes of the constellations; this map has been out of date for many, many years.
- Λεπτομέρειες
- Γράφτηκε από τον/την Kim Lovelace
- Κατηγορία: Kimgr
Please Note: 13 Star Sign Astrology is an ancient form of Astrology that hasn’t been used for over 2000 years. It is based on the true astronomical data of the Planets and includes the constellation of Ophiuchus (Serpentarius) who also sits on the ecliptic. So the Star Sign I am referring to may be in the previous Star Sign compared to the more traditional forms of Astrology. Our ancestors used this system of Astrology for many centuries until the map was redesigned for agricultural reasons and because it didn’t allow movement for the precession of the equinox’s or use the true sizes of the constellations, this map has been out of date for many, many years.
- Λεπτομέρειες
- Γράφτηκε από τον/την Kim Lovelace
- Κατηγορία: Kimgr
Image by Star Walk App
RaStar 13 Star Sign Astrology
By Kim Lovelace
(Using the Constellation of Ophiuchus)
The New Moon begins in Aquarius on the 9th March and in the 3rd house - London.
The Moon in Aquarius is freedom loving and works at her best when she feels the freedom that she gives to others unconditionally. The Moon in Aquarius is normally very sociable and makes many friends quite easily in life and those friendships stand forever strong, as long as they don’t put any undue restrictions on her. Forever the humanitarian, the Moon in Aquarius is compassionate and views humanity as a whole, offering sympathy and understanding of their needs. In her negative mood this Moon will resort to stubbornness which will restrict her self-expression which puts a block on her evolutionary path.