13 Sign Astrology is not new and it is very similar to sidereal, vedic, Indian/Egyptian astrological dates which have been used waaay longer than the western Gregorian/Julian Calendar!! Ophiuchus aka Serpentarius, the 13th Sign is covering the great Black Hole of our Galaxy and was intentionally hidden because of its power. I’ve been studying this subject for over 15 years and I was born with the Sun on the first Day of the 13th Sign ironically. It is real, it is on the ecliptic, and we are not going anywhere. Sign up to my mailing list at the end of this article! I do readings, classes, and phone consultations on why Ophiuchus is essential to our Consciousness here on Earth. We should all be thankful NASA and people like myself, are out here helping the masses wake up from what has been a westernized cloak on our true celestial makeup!
Western astrology is claiming an incorrect philosophy as a science when it is not based on true positions in the Sky. The ancient people used STARS, not generalities of these stars, as western has. If 12 signs is the only way our minds can comprehend Nature, then we would be limiting our understanding of any deeper information the Universe has for Us with 13. And I know we are beyond man-made limitation. This is why, we as cosmic people, knew to look up at the stars in the first place*
As Above So Below.
For the Virgo Black Moon, choose to be calm and productive today. This is a time to thoroughly heal and reorganize ourselves. We are coming up on the end of a very important Mercury Retrograde shadow. Many changes have already begun since the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, and we are closing out the year with time moving very swiftly! This Black Moon in Virgo will be perfect for cleaning up and clearing out! It is best to keep order and balance of mind and spirit, to meet the necessary changes with grace and divine protection. In 13 sign astrology, we know that Virgo is the longest constellation and spans about 44 degrees! This detail oriented super intricate sign represents the digestive system and all its sensitivity. The colon is the longest part of the body and is a group of nerves having its own intelligence! Hence the phrase, Gut Feelings! Virgo is an earth sign. The mental earth sign. The purity of the Mind and its intentions. Heaven and Earth are One. It was revealed to me in more ways than one, that Virgo represents Ma’at the Matrix Mother. The virtue of the Goddess and her principals. Ma’at is here to remind us of Universal Truth. Everything is connected and works together to create the whole. Ma’at is the Goddess of Universal Order and Virtue. Virgo is the sign of organization, purity and virtue. The earth is a living breathing organism and we are All part of it. Ma’at keeps everything moving, balanced in the sky and on Earth! The equinox is the balance of seasons in relation to Heaven and Earth. Mind and Body.
It is important to remember your mind and body as One. All things are connected and we are living this more and more each day! Maat is also known as the Double Winged Goddess. That which is within me and that which is around me. Maat is the union of opposites that create harmony. Laws of the Universe. Laws of Oneness. Maat is a Goddess, a concept, and a principle. The Double Winged Goddess of Right and Truth. This will be a powerful New Moon new start, especially after that strong Virgo/Leo Mercury Retrograde! And we are still in the Mercury Retrograde Shadow! Virgo represents the woman, the mind, the earth and the Maatrix Mother. Where all things are connected. All actions carry seeds of their own justice.
Read more by Raw Goddess Femi