Let us make our position clear, the 13 Zodiac Signs describe some of our general characteristics, it is impossible to fit in a few lines of text our psychology, talents, selfishness and our dreams. Each single person is different and the only way to make a personalized astrological portrait is the Natal Horoscope containing the positions and aspects of the Sun, the main planets and the New Ascendant, the Moon. But again in your Natal Horoscope you may only find some of your features and many more potentialities that can be realized, or not. Man, as the only being who is aware of its existence and the ability to philosophize, is trying in vain to convience others in describing himself. The position of modern Astrology is therefore very difficult as a discipline for describing a greedy, concerning its self-awareness, being. This task is mentaly impossible. Only approximately and gnostically searching can we act, and this is what we will do starting with the description of the 13 Zodiac Signs. More information on how one can deal with the subject, can be found in my book "Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac".
Pisces 13 Born from 11/12 March to 18/19 of April
(the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Aries 13 Born from 18/19 April to 13/14 May
Taurus 13 Born from 13/14 May to 20/21 June
Gemini 13 Born from 20/21 of June to 20/21 of July
Cancer 13 Born from July 20/21 to Augustus 9/10
Leo 13 Born from August 9/10 to September 16/17
Virgo 13 Born from September 16/17 to October 30/31
Libra 13 Born From October 30/31 to November 22/23
Scorpio 13 Born from November 22/23 to November 29/30
Ophiuchus 13 Born from November 29/30 to December 17/18
Sagittarius 13 Born from December 17/18 to January 19/20
Capricorn 13 Born from January 19/20 to February 15/16
Aquarius 13 Born from February 15/16 to March 11/12
Read your Weekly Horoscope here: Weekly Horoscopes of 13 Zodiac Astrology