Cancer 13
Born from July 20/21 to Augustus 9/10 (the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Cancer 13 Zodiac Sign contains a few old Cancers born on 20 and 21 of July. Almost all the rest, born from July 22 to August 10, are old Lions.
Cancer 13 is enthusiastic and positive to the extent that severs relations with the old sign that bears his name. The new armor of the Crab - Cancer - is the joyous mood with resistance to life's hardships. He has the courage of its convictions and could reach the threshold of drama to support his friends.
He has a strong personality and generously shares what he holds to people he trusts.
To some extent, however, believes that his strong armor will protect him from the cruelty and hypocrisy of the world.
He firmly believes in his ideals and hardly influenced by others. His options are rather predictable in life but not boring or monotonous ... Sometimes he likes to go, like a crab, upside down in the stream and fully enjoying it!