Libra 13
Born From October 30/31 to November 22/23 (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for greater accuracy)
Libra Zodiac 13, includes former Scorpions , born of 30/31 October to 22 November.
Libran 13 have more balance in their life and characteristics in relation to the old Libra. Every Libra is a psychologist and balancer and sees clearly within human relationships. Librans are selective and leery clarifying what they take and what the leave in life. They understand the essentials of a problem though sometimes mistaken from its purity.
Libra 13 people have great psychic abilities but also difficulty to control their passions. They enjoy citizenship and social recognition. They don't like to be unfair to anyone and require that other people treat them with respect, as they do with others.
They may like the balance but they are not going to sacrifice everything for it. Their friends have great influence on them ..