Scorpio 13


Born from November 22/23 to 29/30 (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for greater accuracy)
Scorpio 13 includes few old Scorpions, born on November 22. The rest are former Sagittarians born from November 23 to 29/30. This Zodiac Sign covers only 6.5 days of the Ecliptic.

Scorpio 13 are ebullient and extrovert. They have a genera positive attitude to life and give emphasis on entertainment. They are free spirits and will give their opinion even if hurt their fellows. The excesses and adventures are part of their soul although generally they seek to have good relations with the social environment.
Scorpio 13 are therefore velvet Rebels compromised with their turbulent habits to the extent they don't affect those they love. Many times they show insensitivity to what happens next to them, being persons of many contrasts !