Taurus 13,


Born from 13/14 May to 20/21 June (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for greater accuracy)
Taurus 13 includes part of the old Taurus, born from 13/14 to May 21. Almost everyone else, born from May 22 to June 21, are former Geminis.

The main feature of the Taurus 13 Zodiac Sign is that they're easily adapted to the environment in order to have fun in their lives . They want dialogue and mutual contact and have maintained their attachment to the Earth, traditions and customs of their homeland. Their pragmatism is ideal, as well as their abilities to negotiate that can hide some cunning to the ultimate achieve of their goals.
Another element of Taurus 13 is the balance of emotions along with the tenacity and perseverance.
They like the good life, good food as well as good outfit. They have obstinacy as a metaphorical image of their zodiac sign, Taurus, and when they believe in something they believe deeply in it!