Aquarius 13


Born from February 15/16 to March 11/12 (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Aquarius 13 includes some old Aquarians from 15/16 to 18 February and many former Pisces born from February 19 to March 11/12.

The main feature of Aquarians is the imagination in every facet of their life. They also have compassion and torque towards protecting the weak peoples of the planet as well as the environment and animals. They are expressive and outspoken and their ideals of a just society are a key part of their believes ! On a practical level they have questions when facing difficult situations and are receptive to dialogue, changing easily view if this is documented by their interlocutors. Always give basis to the arguments and scientific data .
Aquarians 13 are also dreamers and attracted by the transcendental and the strange. In discussions accept logic without delay. They are sentimental, emotional and loyal to family values .