Image by Lynnette Shelley

TAURUS (born between: 14 May – 19 June)


Happy birthday Taurus, you have no problem with expressing yourself this month and the planets are giving you the energy and the willpower to do so. However, your expression is all about getting your point across and you do so with ease, without a thought or concern for what others think, or how it will affect them. Your principles are high and if you need to get verbally rough with a few people then so be it! You’re not really bothered if you come across as aggressive and self centered as your defense mechanism has kicked in and ‘woe betide’ anyone that tries to deflate your well needed strength. You are just holding your head above water as this month ends and June begins and you are finally running out of steam. Up until this point you have tried to stay reasonably cheerful and optimisitic, but are now feeling the weight of heavy responsibility, this causes you to lack confidence and cooperation as your energy slips into a low vitality. Emotional frustrations and finances may cause you problems, especially within your close relationships, but not all is lost here, you must use this down time to meditate or exercise (yoga or tai chi would be great for you). Your thinking rebalances mid June, but you will need to assess your health, a tonic may be needed.

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GEMINI (born between: 20 June – 20 July)

You are feeling somewhat detached Gemini but your mind is still sharp. This would be a great time for you take up a course, or learn something new. Your usual chatty self is finding it really hard to put what’s on your mind, into words. Your speech is restricted. Mentally there is just so much going on inside your head, but you do have the ability to get to the root of things as your mind is broad. Writing or drawing would be a better way for you to express yourself, or your talent. The beginning of June, gives you a bit more freedom to verbally express yourself and you have developed an understanding of what needs to be done, but are itching to put this into action, but you have been so suppressed verbally that are in danger of spilling it out, all too fast, ooops! Mid June warns you to think first before you speak! You are likely to come across as over confident and rebellious, which will cause problems in your close relationships and your actions will be misunderstood by them. Just try and keep the pace balanced throughout this period by getting things down on paper in an organized way.

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CANCER (born between: 21 July – 9 August)

You feel a great need to be loved and appreciated Cancer. You give so much to others and are feeling somewhat resentful about being taken for granted. You find it hard to control what you are feeling at this time and may come across as snappy and abrupt with others; your patience is wearing very thin. Things come to a head on the 21st when the full moon takes place; your sensitivity will be so heightened that your ability to control your temper becomes out of balance, there is a danger here of you acting before you think! Is it really ‘everybody’ that is taking you for granted? A clearer picture of what is bothering you will become apparent by mid June, where you can get to the bottom of what is really niggling at you, once this realization hits, you can then turn things around by dealing with the source of the problem. If it is your intimate relationship that is not putting in their fair share of effort, then it might be time to give them a kick…. Outside sources can be of great help if you allow them to, you have created good karma from the past and there are those that are truly appreciative of you, not ‘everybody’ needs to be tarred with the same brush. Watch your health this month as your stress levels play havoc with your nervous system.

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LEO (born between: 10 August – 15 September)

You have been on a mission Leo and your will power has been phenomenal. You were initially in great health and nothing was too much trouble for you, you were loving life and had the ability to use all this energy constructively. You have great insight and was able to put it to practical use when it came to difficult tasks, its good if you made the most of this as now you are running out of steam as your self-expression is blocked and you have suddenly realized that you have taken on too much! Are you trying to accomplish too much, too fast? You need to slow down and be realistic as your energy levels need to be revitalized. Mid June gives you back some power and you are able to accomplish a lot, compared to others at this time, but use your good intuition to keep you stable as your creative expression lacks energy, causing you to feel a little bit insecure emotionally, or feeling let down. You just need some rest.

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VIRGO (born between: 16 September – 30 October)

You’re struggling to find your place in this world Virgo and your inner peace is eluded, Lilith is still eclipsing your Sun and your rebirth process is still in effect, although this will pass by November. It is difficult for you to live in the present and this creates an upheaval for you by keeping you off balance. At the end of May, you are torn between rebelling, or staying loyal in relationships. Your emotions are powerful. You need to find inner peace and music or art can be of great help to achieve it. You have the ability to get to the root of things and this would be a good time for you to take up research in any scientific project that interests you. Watch out for being over defensive or suspicious, this will only lead to depression and cause you to miss out on any opportunities that may be present. There is a danger here of you becoming over critical and narrow minded. Mid June shows that your intellect and communication skills are at odds with your motivation and ambition. Watch out for problems with your digestive system, as your nervous energy is all over the place.

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LIBRA (born between: 31 October – 23 November)

You are a lover of life initially Libra and are feeling generally cheerful and optimistic, your charm and soothing voice can bring you many admirers. All forms of art will be good for you and may even earn you some money. You are full of love and kindness and are happy to share this with others. Be careful of overdoing it, as you are prone to go over the top with your romantic gestures, as the end of May is a time when the rose tinted glasses come off. There may also be problems with your employment or business, are you earning enough? Or are you just not happy? By mid June, you are smiling through gritted teeth; meaningless social niceties are used as a camouflage to hide bad feelings. There may be issues with finances or legal difficulties through partnerships or secret involvements. Maybe you are just lacking an appreciation of the true value of things? Or taking too much for granted? However, money may come to you in unusual ways, or you could suddenly fall in love. Whatever the case is, it would be good for you to take some time out and indulge in activities that are good for your spiritual health.

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SCORPIO (born between: 22 November – 29 December)

There is no rest for the wicked Scorpio, so they say. You are out of touch with your systems needs and feel like you are not achieving all that you should, considering that you are running with your feet barely touching the ground! There is a need here for you to let go of the past in some way and are feeling quite detached. Your mentality is sharp but your thoughts are repetitive. Meditation will help you to muster up some inspiration. Although you may not be seeing any progress, you can rest assured that you are creating a good karma, things will improve slightly at the end of May and this will give you the ability to bring in the transformation that you seek and attain a higher level of expression, which you can use to influence others by setting an example.

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OPHIUCHUS (born between: 30 November – 17 December)

You are up for a challenge this month Ophiuchus, although you are still trying to find a balance between finances and spiritual values. You are willing to put yourself into uncomfortable situations for the sake of a higher cause and are able to easily understand and communicate your spiritual realities and your knowledge of alternative therapies. However, by the end of May you will need to stand your ground, as you come up against those that are not in agreement with your philosophies. You must hold on to your willpower and continue to follow your own path. Mid June brings in a quest for truth and meaning, you are just not willing to be satisfied anymore with the status quo of conventional traditions, but you are also not tolerant of some of the unconventional concepts either, as they are a hindrance to your own faith, in the respect that they make a mockery of the decent unconventional therapies available. Your mission is to create a balance in traditional healing methods and realistic alternative methods; this also applies to attitudes about spirituality. It may be time to design a program that works for all and is understood by all.

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SAGITTARIUS (born between: 18 December – 18 January)

You have a sense of destiny or karmic mission Sagittarius, but your belief structure may be distorted and unrealistic. You have a tremendous willpower, but are detached from reality, be careful of taking on responsibilities without sufficient preparation, as there is a lack of opportunity and initiative in fully analyzing all the information coming in. This would be a good time for you to enter into higher education as your mind is broad. The beginning of June emphasizes the need for you to analyze fully all the information coming in, as acting on impulse can lead to a fall or collapse, it is vital that you don’t just accept things on face value. Watch your finances and be careful with money or a loss can occur. Your ideas are abundant but you have trouble with getting them organized, beware of signing contracts, there is no need for you to rush into anything, the time isn’t right yet.

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CAPRICORN (born between: 19 January – 15 February)

It seems that more effort is needed for you to attain your goals Capricorn, you are working so hard and this is taking a toll on your health. You must use your time effectively. You may be having difficulties with your close relationships and are finding it hard to accept responsibility for the part that you play in them. It appears that you take on more responsibility then is necessary in relationships; probably to ensure security, but do you think people only like you for what you can do for them? Maybe it’s time for you to give people a chance to get to know the real you. There may also be difficulties with work or finances, your judgment in planning long term goals is likely to be faulty, you must develop flexibility as there is a lack of initiative or confidence, timing is also bad. This could also give rise to fears and anxiety. By mid June, your fear or lack of self faith can cause you to miss out on opportunities. You may isolate yourself or become isolated by others. Work on building your self esteem by being kind to yourself, you deserve to reach a level of happiness just as much as anyone else.

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AQUARIUS (born between: 16 February – 11 March)

You are conflicted about delving into vulnerable areas of your psyche Aquarius and will avoid getting into deep psychological discussions which normally you enjoy! You will have a great interest in these matters, but will tend to keep things light by using an insight which based on theory and ideals. In your intimate relationship there could be a power struggle regarding personal freedom where you will come across as emotionally detached, as you don’t want to expose your own psychological dynamics, which are secretly plaguing you right now. The end of May shows a lack of energy and motivation, it will be hard for you to put your goals and ideals into action due to a lack of connection between your mind and body. This takes a toll on your emotions which may become erratic and unpredictable. Some time alone in the fresh air to clear your mind and give you clarity would be most beneficial for you. By mid June your determination for freedom and independent thinking will pay off and new ways of thinking will create an exciting time, meditation will help keep you in a positive frame of mind.

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PISCES (born between: 12 March – 18 April)

There is a tug of war going on within you Pisces, you feel you need to make a choice regarding your career, or path in life and this conflicts with your need for personal growth. You need to avoid situations that can expose your vulnerabilities. On one hand you want to lead, but on the other you are uncomfortable in wielding power, thus undermining any success. An experience of loss may lead you to search for an understanding that will transform your belief system, or there is a dilemma regarding your faith in spirituality, which versus ‘skeptical realism’, this can cause you to struggle with depression or a defeatist attitude. You sense the importance of your dreams and ideals, but may want to dismiss them as unrealistic. Your conventional side is opposing your mystical side and you feel that you have some difficult choices to make. But really, you just need to realize that you can embrace the both, it’s your path and your right. At the end of May you must watch out for self deception and over confidence, as your imagination overworks itself and your desires become insatiable. You must not trust anything without analyzing it first; your sense of reality is distorted and can play tricks on you. Repressed emotions are probably the cause.

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ARIES (born between: 19 April – 13 May)

Watch out for imaginary enemies Aries, not everyone is against you! You are out of touch with your own needs system and are highly impatient. You need to realize that things happen for a reason and whatever is happening right now is for your greater good and well being. Let go of past grudges, it’s time to put them to bed and move on. There is a tendency for you to take things too personally and you may be being too independent for your own good. Domestic problems can have an adverse effect of your professional standing and reputation. Your ambitions may be unrealistic and your health is suffering as a result of all the worry and frustration, watch out for issues with your stomach, take a chill pill. By the end of May you will calm down and recognize the need to accept the discomfort; it is for a higher purpose. You also realize that you can be forceful without being destructive, although you won’t be in touch with your own desires and may take on others as your own. You are in a state of limbo and don’t really know what you want right now. Your values and ideas are changeable due to you being out of touch with yourself.

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By Kim Lovelace
RaStar 13 Star Sign Astrology