GEMINI (born between: 20 June – 20 July)
Happy birthday Gemini, you are in good stead at the moment, you have good common sense and a good power of concentration, but are you being too steadfast and narrow minded? It seems that there is a lack of tact in your communication with others, therefore leading them to misunderstand you, or it could be that you need to be a bit more flexible and expand your mind a little. Communication problems seem to be caused through you being stuck on the target that you have set yourself which makes you come across as rigid and overly conservative. The warning for you this month is to work on becoming more flexible, It is also warning you not to try and pull a fast one to reach your goals, otherwise you will risk your reputation. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, least of all to your self. At the time of the New Moon on the 4th July, any bad decisions you have made, or any form of underhandedness that has taken place, will be exposed. You are overloaded with Solar energy by the New Moon, which will cause you to feel hypersensitive, so your emotions can be a big obstacle to your reasoning ability, (electrical items are likely to break down). Your perception is distorted and reality is not present, therefore you can get yourself into great difficulties.
By the middle of July, things are pretty much the same, except you cant escape your life lessons anymore, but you do have the energy to keep going, whether that is good for you or not depends upon you! Just try and stay honest and responsible not just with others, but with yourself too.
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CANCER (born between: 21 July – 9 August)
The Full Summer Solstice Moon on the 20th June left you wanting your independence Cancer, especially with regards to relationships. Intense feelings and a strong will, has brought things out into the open and changes are happening at a very deep level, its almost like you have found your calling. You have developed a great faith and you have a desire to help others to find theirs. Your intuition is strong at this time and you find it easy to express your emotions, but at the same time the response you are receiving is not supportive of you, creating difficulty in your emotional equilibrium. Maybe your feelings are still a little bit raw? By the New Moon on the 4th July, You may be feeling quite numb and are spreading yourself too thin, your tough outer shell is hiding a multiple of different emotions that need to be healed and balanced out. The opportunities are there for you to do exactly that. You are on the right path and taking up any opportunities that present themselves at this time will put you where you need to be. By the middle of July, your emotions are still highly sensitive, but you are being guided in the right direction and expressing yourself in some sort of artistic or creative pursuit, like singing, cooking or making things for the home would be a good way for you to drain the over emotional energy that you are holding within. You have the ability at this time for constructive thinking, especially about your health and diet. Media for communication could be a good source of outlet.
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LEO (born between: 10 August – 15 September)
You are feeling confident, happy and optimistic Leo, which means you want to be surrounded by beautiful things and your ego is loving it! You must be careful to act with integrity as you need to be a free spirit and tune into your creativity and not commit yourself to rigid routines. your energy is still fluctuating and you are not fully ready for hard work. Memories from the past may be holding you back in some way. By the New Moon on the 4th July, you will still need to travel light, as you have a power surge, which will cause you to force yourself into things you are not ready for. Erratic behavior through the highs and lows of energy that is affecting you can lead to act unwisely. Beware of burning yourself out or overdoing it, today might be a good day, but tomorrow is another story. This is a time for you to revitalize yourself, you must use your bursts of energy constructively and express your dignity and great insight through a creative talent.
By the middle of July, there will be opportunities for spiritual growth, but your lack of perseverance and competitive behavior can lead you astray, it is important that you keep your public profile low key for the moment.
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VIRGO (born between: 16 September – 30 October)
Your mental expression is out of sync with your emotions Virgo. It like your inner self is a fantasy land of ideas and ideals and as hard as you try to put them into proper perspective, you have a hard time projecting them into reality. Your Ideas are probably too grandiose for realization and are more than likely outdated and the more you try to enforce them the more you will miss out on opportunities that could really benefit you. Meditating on positive thinking would be good for you right now. By the New Moon on the 4th July you will see things more clearly, but are still finding it hard to back down and communicate honestly and openly. Your telepathic mind is working at its best right now and you would rather manipulate others to win them over, than to be open about your aim.
By the middle of July, you are torn between your romantic or spiritual life and your artistic pursuit. It could be that someone around you resents your artistic or spiritual side? Fortunately, you have an abundance of energy and good common sense at this time and have earned great wisdom from your past experiences. As Venus shines her brilliance and beauty on your ruling Planet, great achievements can be made through your charm and grace.
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LIBRA (born between: 31 October – 23 November)
Do you feel like you are in limbo right now Libra? Or are you just feeling unloved? You need to work on your inner self as deep down there seems to be a lack of self esteem or self identity. Your scales are out of balance and you are not creating good karma for yourself as you are more prone to use your sense of charm for either emotional or financial self gratification.
By the New Moon on the 4th July, the Black Moon Lilith conjuncts Mars in your sign which magnifies your impulsiveness or upredicatability, but this may bring you a lucky breakthrough, as you are emotionally energized and know how to appeal to others with ease. Follow your intuition as it is on form.
By the middle of July, your outlook will be more harmonious and graceful, you have an appreciation of the feminine virtues and are easy to be around, you are beginning to value all that you are learning. But it is vital that you stay true to your own value system and find your own inner self worth, as there will be some that will want to take advantage of your easy going nature. Decisions that are based on having fun, is definitely the right choice for you.
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SCORPIO (born between: 22 November – 29 December)
Your psychological and spiritual life is going through a time enlightenment Scorpio and has been for a little while. When your ruling Planet Pluto comes out of retrograde and goes direct your spiritual life will be strengthened and your ability for meditation and manifestation will be powerful. Emotionally your feelings are intense and dominating, you are like a rumbling volcano ready to erupt at any moment. You see clearly what needs to be done, but are inhibited by limitations. You are susceptible emotionally to whatever environment you are in and this designs your day. Rise above any negative energy and get out living inside your own head, this is not a time to make any drastic changes, or to make people feel alienated. By the New Moon on the 4th July, Your tendency to want to be in control can cause difficulties in your relationships, making it hard for others to respond to you in a relaxed way. Watch out for disputes over finances or altercations with those close to you. Your romantic life may also be presenting some difficulties. You need to pamper yourself with spa's and saunas to purify and relax your psychic energy.
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OPHIUCHUS (born between: 30 November – 17 December)
There is confusion and irritation in your social relationships Ophiuchus and your ability to think is distorted. You are feeling the lack of balance around you, which is draining your energy or confidence. You are vulnerable to negative vibrations in your environment and are probably feeling tired and confused as a result. You have a great understanding of peoples pain and accept the discomfort for the sake of a higher purpose, which gives you the strength to soldier forward and it is this very quality that teaches others how to heal their aggressive side. By the New Moon on the 4th July, the pattern continues and you will find it hard to communicate or find common ground with people that come across as authoritative or dominating, you have a natural tendency to disconnect under those circumstances, which will be the right choice for you to make, so that you can fully appreciate the spiritual experiences that you are having now. Your natural understanding of the mind, body connection is strong and its important that you continue to find your own truth in your own way. You have a good ability at this time to express your ideas in an artistic and aesthetic way, making them more easier for people to understand. By the middle of July, Your sense of purpose is lead by a higher sense of reality, your spiritual growth is escalating and you are on the right path.
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SAGITTARIUS (born between: 18 December – 18 January)
Although your ruling Planet has now gone direct, it is a time for you to pick up pieces Sagittarius, not to ignore them. Maybe you feel like an animal thats just been let out of a cage! They say 'fools rush in where Angels fear to tread' and this applies to you this month, as you are in too much of a hurry to achieve great things. Your optimism is unrealistic. You accept things on face value a lot of the time due to your generosity of spirit and expansive imagination, but you take too much for granted and fail to properly analyze all the details, that are so important. You must be careful of being gullible to deception, or breaking a confidence, as either will backfire on you at a later date. By the New Moon on the 4th July, there could be problems in your relationship with others and it is important that you curb any feelings of aggressiveness or frustration and accept that you have taken on far too much. By the middle of July, you will be reminded that Pluto is Retrograding through your sign, as any mistakes you have made become exposed. You must direct your strong willpower constructively this month.
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CAPRICORN (born between: 19 January – 15 February)
You are feeling very anxious and sensitive right now Capricorn and life may seem pretty bleak. The recognition that you are seeking is strewn with obstacles and this gives rise to fears that stem from your unconscious mind. Beware of becoming prey to psychic negative influences, which causes you to look at the dark side of life and prevents you from recognizing opportunities that may be present. It is hard for you to gain other peoples respect, when you are lacking in self esteem, this just attracts the opposite of what you really need. There may be difficulties with work or financial matters and there seems to be a lack of opportunity to push forward, this is because on one hand you are overly ambitious, but on the other, lack the motivation to put in the necessary effort. By New Moon on the 4th July, there is excessive worry and you are stuck in your way of thinking. your outlook is very pessimistic and there is a danger here of you reflecting this part of yourself onto others. By the middle of July, you are more focused and your patience returns. You will be back to playing the game of fair play and regain your sense of compassion and empathy for others.
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AQUARIUS (born between: 16 February – 11 March)
Its hard for you to relax and live in the present Aquarius and this causes an upheaval for you. You seem to be keeping yourself occupied in one thing or another rather than to face your lack of inner peace. You are off balance and are emotionally confused which makes you want to change your life in dramatic ways. There seems to be a fear of inadequacy or a confusion about your career. All these unbalanced feelings are creating a difficult atmosphere for you to work under. Opportunities are lacking, but it is important that you maintain your sense of individuality, which helps you to avoid disastrous situations. By the New Moon on the 4th July, you must avoid harsh environments as your senses become more hypersensitive. This would be a good time to write down your dreams or visions. Impulsiveness will become your primary fault at this time and you must not speculate as unforeseen events can nullify any expense or effort that you have put in. At this time you can't count on friends and friends can't count on you. Your mind is racing but your energy is lacking and it would be better for you to take some time out to meditate rather then to enforce action. Your ideals are impractical and too idealistic. By the middle of July, you will find it hard to control your irrational behavior and it is at this time that there is a danger of you hitting a brick wall and all your efforts would have been for nothing. Work on developing core strength and patience, your time will come.
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PISCES (born between: 12 March – 18 April)
Your head is all over the place Pisces and you are attracting karmic situations. Absentmindedness and mental disorganization concerning details can make you forgetful, which causes you to make errors, which is probably due to repressed feelings. You have trouble communicating with others, but have a clear insight into their motivations and actions, maybe it is this insight that is overwhelming you at the moment and throwing you off track. You need to discern what is your stuff and what is theirs. The New Moon on the 4th July, is endowing you with good intuition and when it comes to creating opportunities for financial progress, you must trust it. The New Moon, is also supplying you with a great skill in visualization, this is a great time for you to meditate on manifesting good things into your life, but you will need to find some quiet space in your social life to be able to do this positively, as your senses are vulnerable to picking up on other peoples thoughts. Beware of negative psychic influences. You need to travel light throughout this month.
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ARIES (born between: 19 April – 13 May)
You have probably had a lucky break Aries and your tough exterior has probably paid off, but your skin isn't as thick as you would like to portray, or lead others to believe! Are you wasting your energy? Your intuition is superb, but you are finding it hard to muster up your inner strength. By the New Moon on the 4th July, frustration sets in as you find it hard to move forward on your goals, your personal energy is stifled and your tolerance level is severely impacted. This can cause you to unleash your passive/aggressive tendencies and you will need to find ways of being decisive and forceful without being destructive.
By the middle of July your charm returns along with your usual courage and willpower. Self confidence also returns and your leadership ability is decisive and ambitious, but you need to watch out for coming across as overbearing or smothering, you have already ruffled a few feathers and need to watch your step. Use your ability to apply exact force.
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TAURUS (born between: 14 May – 19 June)
Your emotions are blocked and your mind may be over active Taurus, there is a lack of balance and realism which you are normally so tuned into. You would be wise to stay around people that are cheerful and optimistic as you are feeling defensive and suspicious of other peoples negative emotions. You just cant seem to get yourself understood and it always seems like the wrong time. You need to just hang out with those close who can give you the comfort and support that you need. By the New Moon on the 4th July, you are in a more positive frame of mind and you are able to get your head straight and your mind focused, this can lead you into a realization, or bring a revelation to light, which causes your passion to overwhelm you. By the middle of July, your health is invigorated and you have developed a deep understanding of relationships. This is a much more harmonious time for you and you will want to spend time with your loved ones. You have a natural ability to please, but will want to be loved in return with a freedom of mind and a reedom of spirit
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Kim Lovelace (Star).