The Full Moon reaches its peak in Aquarius on the 6th September 2017 at 08:02 GMT and in New York at 03:02 EDT.

The Moon in Aquarius is a very composed Moon and tends to come across as unemotional and detached; although inwardly she is far from it. This Moon has an uncanny ability to calm those who are suffering from high emotional or mental stress. Therefore, she tends to attract those that are considered off key, or unstable.

This Moon is the Mad Hatter of the Zodiac as her strange curiosity and sense of time are considered eccentric or even weird. It is important that the Aquarius Moon has her alone time to dispel her pent up energy. Skin problems, eye problems and a poor blood circulation are her vulnerabilities and signs that not all is well, behind her cool exterior. She is also susceptible to heart disease and weak legs, especially the ankles.

The Aquarian Moon would benefit from a regular blood cleansing program as most of her ailments are caused through impure blood and poor blood circulation. Burdock Root Tea, Fresh Lemon Tea, Dandelion Tea, or Cerassie Tea are highly recommended, as well as Iron, Vitamin C, D & E, and minerals, especially Magnesium and Zinc.

The aspects to our Full Moon are in a way a welcome relief from the heavy and dark energies of the New and Full Moon eclipses that have taken place over the last four weeks, as well as the Mercury Retrograde that has taken place in Leo and ends today, although, we will still be in its shadow for another two weeks. So many of us have been under tremendous pressure and emotional stress which has taken its toll on our mental health; emotional wounds both old and new have been surfacing in intense and dramatic ways. It's likely that most of us are now feeling detached or despondent with a strong desire to shut ourselves off from our busy environments, to regain our sense of well-being. We need to give ourselves the healing time so needed but at the same time, not isolate ourselves or indulge in forms of escapism. Self sacrifice is definitely not the way to go.

As we are now moving into the 'comedown zone' this Full Moon would be an ideal time to recollect ourselves and pick up the pieces of our shattered nerves. We must be careful of not allowing ourselves to wallow in our alone time. We need to reflect on what has been revealed during this time by asking ourselves; what have I recently discovered about myself or another? What situation has recently surfaced in my life that now has to be resolved? Our Moon's sextile to Pluto is giving us an opportunity to reshape our lives on a much better footing, although Neptune, who is retrograding through Aquarius, puts us in danger of missing out on this opportunity, as her retrograde nature entices us into a dream world where our imaginations can easily lose touch with the true reality of our situation. We must be true to ourselves. There will be a great need for self discipline and realism.

The Black Moon Lilith is in Ophiuchus this Full Moon casting her shadow of alienation and her fear of persecution. We need to express ourselves through art, music, or anything creative to release our fears and overcome our egoistical natures.

Aching limbs and feeling lethargic will be high on the list this Full Moon, massage and salt baths will be very healing, as well as exercise and drinking plenty of water. Meditations should be active or group based. Sleep patterns should be regular and restful.

I recommend this Full Moon using sound vibrations (theta beats) in our meditations. Group meditations or creating something, will be good way to reconnect our hearts and minds. Wear earthy colours, browns, beige and rusts. Work on your Root and Crown Chakra's for balance and creativity. Use ylang ylang, or sandalwood incense and use the affirmation:-
I centre myself with nourishing thoughts and ground myself with my inner strength.


Read more by Kim Lovelace (Star)