Happy New Moon!
New Moons are also known as Black Moons or the Dark Moon phase. Every month, the Sun and Moon are in the same space conjunct. Therefore, no light is reflected until they start to move away from each other, and the crescent begins to grow. The Sun and the Moon will both be in the constellation of Capricorn for this New Moon. Check your Google sky map apps.
I know all the mainstream astrology articles are saying Aquarius, but western mainstream astrology is not factual. It is not star based and does not reflect real star placements. Sidereal and 13 sign astrology have been my specialty for years and I am forever changed by knowing these distinctions.
Enough about western, this sidereal Capricorn new moon cycle will whip us all into shape if we obey our Ancestors. Capricorn represents our karmic lineages and the determination to rise above them. Hard work and preparation is Capricorn’s objective. Life is preparing us through major karmic cleansing right now! Historical events and important markers in periods of time will be completing themselves through this transit.
Our ideas about global slavery and the monetary system will see many major revelations and transformations. After a long hard mercury retrograde and shadow zone, it’s time to get back to a business as usual attitude. Work on rebranding your public image and upgrading your systems. This is not a new moon or mercury retrograde shadow you can choose to shy away from. Attitudes about the devil and evil will be reexamined by the collective consciousness for this Capricorn new moon retrograde shadow cycle. Face your fears slowly but surely.
We are also now officially in the magical time between winter and spring! The Chinese New Year celebrations have begun and a month from now, spring will be at our doorstep. Many cultures celebrate this transitional time as the zone of the New Year and prepare for the annual reawakening of Mother Nature. This is the new moon before everything comes alive. Fresh off the heels of the Sagittarius Capricorn Mercury retrograde, the shadow is still lingering, showing us how to make more money through our higher calling. Or at least how to be more useful and practical with it. This new moon, take what you have learned during Mercury retrograde in relation to self-worth and improving groundedness. Look for a new way to merge core values with your higher calling. Always use new moons for planting seeds and ideas that are dear to your heart. The collective shift in consciousness will continue as you work on yourself from within.
Capricorn can be a scary place of sacrifice and seclusion. Capricorn represents toil, hardships, sadness, death, depression, and confinement. Saturn stuff. Capricorn also represents determination, triumph over tragedy, rebuilding after a storm, solid foundation, grounding and sexual earth magic! I’m pointing out some of the up and coming themes of Capricorn to prepare us for the ultra-realistic view Capricorn tends to administer. Capricorn is a complex energy. On the inside there is torment and suppression. Drive and determination is how Capricorn gets through it! Remember to get lots of water in daily and make sure to use spiritual bath therapy. Capricorn energy can get very stuck emotionally. Saving money and learning how to implement better recordkeeping skills will be mandatory for the next few weeks. Pay back all debts and come up with some plans or negotiations if you can’t. Make a way. Meditation will allow us to deal with the money stressing of Capricorn and so will music. This is also Capricorn’s domain. This moon cycle will emphasize music as a healing technique.
*The Year of the Fire Monkey 2016 will be a wild and dynamic year! Be bold and adventurous. Let creativity and innovation be your guide. Learn new skills. Watch your temper and exercise to relieve stress.
Read more by Raw Goddess Femi