New Moon in Ophiuchus. Image by Star Walk App


I’m sure by now most of us have heard about the 13th sign in astrology. But many are still asking, is it real and what is it called? Where did it come from and why does it have to change everything? In my line of astrology work we shed light on what this sign is all about. I especially, since my birthday, November 30th is the official 1st day of the 13th sign! Whoohooo! November 30- December 17th we should be proud! 13th Sign people are super cool and gifted. 

I found the 13th sign, Serpentarius aka Ophiuchus, about 13+ years ago! Yes! In 2001, I was 19 years old and already heavily into astrology. By then, I had read just about every book in the library on western tropical zodiac and was onto sidereal, Vedic, Egyptian and Indian astrology studies. Once the words Serpentarius Ophiuchus entered my vocabulary, I never stopped looking for more info on the subject. Sidereal astrology is based on the actual positions of the stars and that’s how I found it. I can honestly say knowing the true position of my planets has given me a unique ability to give more in-depth readings and directly channel planetary energy.

So what’s up with this Ophiuchus sign?

Serpentarius Ophiuchus is located in the center of our Galaxy keeping everything together. This constellation holds the keys to many mysteries. I find it interesting and no coincidence that the ancients named this part of the heavens Serpens and Snake Nebula. All of the Secret Societies and conspiracy theories do come to mind, and they should! Serpentarius Ophiuchus represents all hidden knowledge especially Alchemy. In mythology Ophiuchus embodies the legacy of Asclepius and Imhotep, master healers and magicians. In antiquity the symbol of the snake represents wisdom and sacred knowledge of Ascension and life after death. All around the world snakes were depicted as extra-terrestrial with the power to transform.

Could the 13th sign be a gateway to other dimensions?

There really is so much I could go into about this subject and I would encourage you to have your 13 sign birth chart done by me to see how this energy is being projected. In astrology each sign governs an area of the body and a mode of operation. The 13th sign is positioned between Scorpio and Sagittarius. What does it represent? The kundalini of course. The Birth Canal. Snakes in a black hole. Transformation. The 3rd Eye and beyond. The Astral Body and all its powers. I can tell you from personal experience and also historically we all have these abilities. Some people are just more aware of it and utilize them more than others. Being born with 4+ planets and asteroids in the Scorpio Serpentarius zone, there was no way I would miss this information.

Cosmic Consciousness of Snakes and Magicians

Serpentarius Ophiuchus is still a mystery and may always be confusing to the western world’s way of thinking. I’ve decided to compile keywords, gods, goddesses and symbols to stimulate the awareness for this New Moon in the 13th sign.

Keywords: Healing, Astral travel, dream interpretation, divination, past lives, umbilical cord, portal, doorway, ancestral work, channeling, medium, reiki, out of body, kundalini, tantra, hypnosis, magic, alchemy, shaman, psychedelics, transformation, meditation, rebirth

Gods and Goddesses: Serket, Medusa, Imhotep, Asclepius, Wadjet, Nekhbet, Kali, Quetzalcoatl, Sekhmet

Symbols: Caduceus, Uraeus, Staff, Wand, Web, Dream Catchers, Lightning, Poison/Antidote, 3rd Eye, Kundalini, Chakras, Aura, Illuminati, Secret Orders and Societies, Intuition, Reptilian Brain, Aliens, Time travel, spiral, whirlpool

This New Moon Serpentarius energy will be in effect for 2 weeks until the Full Moon. It’s a great time to get into your healing gifts and do a cleanse. This type of energy tends to pull on everything around it as it funnels and recycles information. Find more time to pray, chant, visualize and meditate as the Heavens are extra activated and open right now. All you have to do is bring it down.
*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates & a chance to win a FREE Reading!