Psychological Astrology puts the task of interpreting the natal horoscope in such a way as to help people discover their inner potential that lies within them. These features are shown in the natal horoscope as positions and aspects of the planets.

The 13 Zodiac Astrology accepts and uses the valuable experience of psychological astrology on the role and interpretation of natal zodiac as a kaleidoscope of capabilities of each individual.
Step by step, the differences and similarities of the two above mentioned astrology theories are the following:
1a. Psychological Astrology despite all the commitment to the abstract - psychological sector of personality, accepts the outdated and fossil reference system of 12 signs in the way it was delivered to us by Claudius Ptolemy and other ancient Greek astrologers. Hence, it accepts the fundamental principle of the four elements, Earth - air - water - fire, as described from the ancient astrologers themselves.
1b . 13 Zodiac Astrology adopts the position of Psychological Astrology on the interpretation of the zodiac as a kaleidoscope of possibilities and not as a ball reading things to come. But puts on the correct basis Horoscope map by using only the actual situation with scientific certification, using the 13 Signs zodiac circle. Additionally 13 Zodiac Astrology rejects the antiquated four elements of astrology, earth - air - water - fire. On their position puts the four interactions that explain and describe our world according to modern physics : A. the gravitational interaction B. the electromagnetic interaction C. the weak and D. the strong nuclear interaction. The first explains the orbits of planets, the second, the electro - magnetic forces and waves, the third forces between atoms and the latter forces responsible for the retention of protons in the nucleus of the atom.

2a. Psychological Astrology accepts :
Male - Female nature of the Zodiac Signs
Male - female nature of the planets
impulsively disoma and steadily Signs
the 12 houses
permanent housing of the planets
submissive - imperatives Signs and planets.
2b. The 13 Zodiac Astrology with the help of the science of astronomy rejects all the above categories for the Zodiac Signs and planets. Furthermore it considers that they merely constitute historical heritage of astrology by Ptolemy and do not correspond to current events and situations. Instead 13 Zodiac Astrology supports the historical - research dimension and coloring - characterization of planets. In the future we could possibly discover other aspects of the interaction between the planets and Earth as well as between the Solar System and Humans.
3a. Psychological Astrology accepts and applies the principle of holistic approach to Astrology. According to this man is part of the whole and its path and stance in life can be analyzed - interpret only as part of the whole. A Supreme force has a dominant position in peoples lives.
3b. 13 Zodiac Astrology accepts the first law of the Ancient Greek Kymvaleion : " The universe is a living organism that all parts are interrelated ." Man is part of nature and only through thereto and through this can be interpreted as acts and discover the power hidden within. We do no need to resort to supernatural thoughts now to prove the man's place in this world.
4a. Psychological Astrology tries to interpret moral as the awareness of action or non- action based on the archetypal separating of "good - evil". It considers as time of importing of this new morality the first centuries BC In India and the first AD Centuries with the advent of Christinity. (p. 111 Person Centered Astrology). So the founder of Psychological Astrology Dane Rudhyar sees as authentic only the action that expresses the "truth of being" of a person. The impetus for action arises 'spontaneously' and not swayed or influenced by social mores, parents, religion, etc.
4b. But is it so ? Of course not ! The concept of morality has no need of introduction of supreme beings, nor can it be squeeze in simplistic oppositions as good - evil. The ancient Greeks considered the path of virtue and citizenship as moral. There were many philosophical currents in the Hellenistic era when astrology was grown, but the prevailing ethic was the Neo- Platonic school that we mentioned before.

There is no doubt that the Psychological Astrology played a supporting role for astrology helping her to escape from the shackles of superstition and futurism (mellontology) . This was made by placing this ancient branch of knowledge to new bases, which brought it closer to the science of psychology.
Today 13 Zodiac Astrology makes a step further by marrying Psychological Astrology with Astronomy. Thus it fills the quiver of Astrology with modern weapons against criticism that had become unbearable in recent decades. The road of Astrology is not that of adhesion in the past but that of development and assimilation of the new scientific discoveries for the benefit of man.

Vasilis Kanatas
Delphi , Greece 03/29/2014