Pisces 13
Born from 11/12 March to 18/19 of April (the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Pisces 13 includes part of the old Piscean, born from 12 to 20 March. Almost all the rest, born from March 21 to April 20, are former Aries.
The Pisces are the new leaders of the zodiac and this has implications for their multifaceted and versatile characters. Something that distinguishes them from their old sign is less selfishness and more positivity in the fields of their interest . Otherwise they are equally impulsive and passionate about the various manifestations and gifts of life.
Pisceans are polite, affable and frivolous. Their mind creates ideas and innovations and most have courage to implement new proposals against the public mind.
To some extent the two Pisces of the mark of their zodiac sign represent their two opposite and different natures that are difficult to reconcile. But, the compromise of opposites is their strong trump that they manage to use for building, in a unique way, friendships and relationships.