Leo 13
Born from August 9/10 to September 16/17 (the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for greater accuracy)
Leo 13 Zodiac Sign includes many former Leos, born from 9/10 to 23 of August. Almost everyone else, born from August 24 to September 16/17 are former Virgos.
Leos 13 are skillful in their field and have organizational nature. They are gentle, honest and responsible. Especially those born between 9 and August 23 are modest and have control of their emotions.
They have leadership tendencies and cultivate their spirit without flashiness in order to respond to the growing social needs and managerial positions they dream for themselves.
The pursuit of legitimacy and virtue, is a component of their character. Along with high social positions they are font of high reputation, decency and outspokenness.
They are individuals that shine and make a strong presence wherever they are found ..