Horoscopes for the Season of Leo

Capricorn (19 Jan – 15 Feb)

You have an opportunity to reach the success you seek, as long as you are confident about what you are doing Capricorn. Inner truth will play an important role in your self expression and sense of balance. The best way of achieving this state of being under difficult circumstances is to relax and see the lessons that can be learned from them. Being critical about them will only block your progress. Around the New Moon on the 21st August, you need to feel that thing are coming into fruition before you can relax and see your worth. You must work on manifesting your dreams into reality by using positive thinking. Listen to your own advice. As Mercury is retrograding through your 8th house it is highly likely that you will be in a state of deep thinking and repetitive self evaluation, this can cut you off from your loved ones and your intimate relationships can suffer as a result. Exercise will be a good way of keeping yourself grounded. The Full Moon on the 6th September emphasises difficulties with your self expression, but you will have access to the necessary resources that can be of help to you. You will feel much empathy for others, but may feel unsure of how much of it you should give out. Be honest about how you really feel, even if you are not sure of how you feel!


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RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017

Read Capricorn 13 Characteristics!

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