Horoscopes for the Season of Leo

Aquarius (February 16 to March 11)

You are lacking in a sense of belonging Aquarius as feelings of loneliness seep in. This may be due to your high ideals and lack of reality about who you really are or want to be. Your energies are scattered and you need to get your priorities into a proper perspective to be able to direct your energy wisely. You need to work on nurturing the creative and softer side of your nature, as your energy can be too intense for others to deal with. Beware of pushing yourself too hard and too fast. The New Moon on the 21st August highlights your health, you need to make adjustments and bring balance into your commitments and routines, especially as Mercury is retrograding through your 7th house of relationships. You may feel burdened by the likes and dislikes of those you love and yearn to be left alone to explore your own interests. The problem is that you are stuck on certain ideas that don't stem from your own original thinking. The Full Moon on the 6th September urges you to slow down as certain changes take place within your home and your finances, this will be a hectic time for you will get through it. Meditation will help to keep you focused.


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RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017

Read Aquarius 13 Characteristics!

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