Horoscopes for the Season of Leo

Virgo (16 Sept – 30 Oct)

You have a great desire to feel needed Virgo as the season of Leo begins, you are a good listener and have the wisdom and compassion to put others at ease. The problem is that you could over do it, to avoid facing your own wounds. Its always good to be willing to compromise as long as you don't over compromise through fear of not being accepted. You need to go within and find the root cause of your discomfort. Mercury is retrograding through your 12th house around the New Moon on the 21st August, which causes your thinking patterns to be impractical, you will find it hard to make sense of anything during this time as you try to reach the unreachable. You will need some alone time to explore your mind and figure out what your next moves should be on a more realistic level. The Full Moon on the 6th September brings up old wounds from the past, probably due to current disappointments and emotional frustrations. Some deep inner healing is needed.


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RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017

Read Virgo 13 Characteristics!

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