Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Ophiuchus (29 Nov – 17 Dec)
You need to relax Ophiuchus and get in touch with your restless spirit as past fears of rejection surface to be healed. Are you giving too much of yourself in some area of your life? You are going through many changes and fear that these changes will not include your deep need for independence and freedom of spirit. You just need to lighten up and go with the flow of the changes taking place, especially those that are happening within your home life. You will need to broaden your perspective and direct your energy wisely. You are drawn towards developing your higher mind around the New Moon on the 21st August and will find much comfort in studying and researching the higher realms the only problem is, is that you could become detached from the real world and from your responsibilities. You must prioritise your time and deal with what is important first. Mercury is retrograding through your 10th house of higher eduction which creates a mind overload. You must tap into your inner wisdom and not bury yourself in research to escape the real world. The Full Moon on the 6th September brings in a need for human contact, but you are just so shut off from the physical world that you are liable to come across as more robotic than human. Allow others to help you with your goals. Build on your self esteem as well as your higher mind. Pinch yourself if you must, to bring you back down to earth.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Ophiuchus 13 Characteristics!
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