Gemini 13
Born from 20/21 of June to 20/21 of July (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Gemini 13 Zodiac include a few old Geminis, born on June 21. Almost everyone else, born from June 22 to July 21, are old Cancers .
Gemini 13 are sensitive, impulsive and sometimes unrestrained. Defending the weak with courtesy. In their personal lives are impressionable and vulnerable. Show compassion and not just in difficult situations. They are guided from their instincts which they trust almost blindly. Their affection is walking side by side with their skepticism and suspicion.
When holding positions of power are transformed into hard negotiators. They yearn a calm and balanced life although many contrasting emotions contradict their desires.
Many times waiting to be served all ready to dish, although they are sincere and honest hard workers and confessors of truth within them .
Along with Pisces is the zodiac Sign that have dual nature and dual energy. The struggle of opposites is strong as every virtue contains as a semen its opposite idea. Their life is a perpetual struggle between plus and minus, good and evil and should or shouldn't!. Hence, every obstacle they surpass has double value to them.