Hi Everyone! I hope you are All enjoying my esoteric astrology articles!
Today marks the Summer Solstice! Activating the 4 Corners of the Sacred Seasonal Cross. Which means, it’s officially the 1st day of Summer. Right now, it’s very important to remain SUPER positive about the good in your Life starting today! Summer Solstice is that time of the year with the most sunlight. This year it’s June 20th to the 24th that have the 4 longest days of Light! After June 24th, the days are shorter and the nights become longer. These 4 days should be spent in meditation, affirmation, and deep prayer. Again, stay positive, focus on your goals, and pay attention to your dreams. There will be a deeper meaning behind them for this alignment. This is the perfect time to get readings and tune into your higher self. Ra the Sun God is in full force, raising our kundalini of Awareness! This is a time of deep programming. A time to cleanse the Light Body and visualize what you want to manifest in your Life!
The Summer Solstice was the most important day of the year in ancient Egypt. Our original Solar Calendar was calibrated to the rising of Sirius on this day! This is the star of Goddess Isis/Auset. Annual flooding of the mighty Nile River would also happen for the Solstice, and it is the basis of all ancients worship, ceremonies, and rituals that developed in its path. We have this alignment to thank as the birth place of the stars and the most prominent deities. The Great Pyramids are calibrated to this star. The level of creativity is very high in this area of the sky. In ancient Egypt, Summer Solstice was the beginning of the New Year. This is the Spiritual New Year’s Day! This is a rise in Consciousness. This is the Wishing cycle, where your most powerful visions will be answered. Create a ritual to honor the light within yourself and all those around you. This is a Spiritual Renewal!
*This is the first Full Moon on a Summer Solstice since 1967, The Summer of Love. That Year sparked off widespread social movements that we’re seeing come alive again today! #GoBernie This is definitely an omen of global Change, and it will require us All to shift into a higher form of Love.