Happy New Moon!

This month, the new moon is directly on Sirius in Gemini! The ancient Dog Star. This is the guide into the underworld for the Egyptians and many other celestial based ancient societies. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and believed to be the birth place of the creation Gods, Goddesses, and to humanity. The pyramids and many ancient stories about our stellar origin mainly point to this star. The mystical Dogon traditions are based on Sirius A and its star companions Sirius B & C. This was looong before modern telescopes even registered these stars physically in the sky! Traditionally in astrology, Sirius is a very fortunate star! It is the Star of Isis and the Nile River. This star marked the annual flooding and was the start of the ancient Egyptian Calendar. Summer Solstice. In these times of rapid change, it is important to remain balanced and open to the positive changes signaled by this super abundant New Moon alignment! Gemini is a sign of the mind and changes will be moving very quickly for the next 2 weeks, during this ultra mutable New Moon Cycle. Expand your communications and be thankful for all the talents, gifts, and messages we are intune with right now. Learn to incorporate what you want to develop into your daily routine. Time is flying by and the Year of the Monkey has been showing us to always be ready and make a shift. Emotional healing has widely become a collective need and an important goal to reach for in the up and coming years ahead. This New Moon on Sirius, the Dog Star, the Guide, can help steer us in the right direction spiritually.

Anubis, the black jackal, the protector of souls, was also referred to as the Egyptian Wolf. Guarding the doorway to the Afterlife and Rebirth by way of Sirius. He assisted Isis in reviving Osiris and giving birth to Horus the Sun. This star represents the Watchmen of the Heavens, higher consciousness, heaven, hell, and the power from within. Gemini and Sirius are the Messengers. Greek god Hermes aka Mercury is also the medium for souls to the underworld. This New Moon is to be utilized as a way to have deeper communication with our ancestors through words, spells, chants, and libation ceremonies. It calls for a balance of the divine Masculine and Feminine. The Right and Left Brain. Dark Matter and Shadows. The Underworld. Fertile Soil. Black was a symbol of fertility and rebirth to the ancient Egyptians. This New Moon will be very therapeutic in facing our fears and mental blockages. Working with black stones for the next few weeks will be extremely beneficial. My favorites are Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Black Obsidian, and Snowflake Obsidian. Use them in meditation and keep them next to you while you sleep. The New Moon is the Dark Moon Phase. There’s no need to be afraid of darkness. Most of the universe is predominately dark matter and it has much to teach us.


Read more by  Raw Goddess Femi