Happy New Moon!

Hi everyone! If you’ve been following my 13 sign astrology info, then you know this new moon is in the constellation of Cancer, not Leo. Check your google sky map apps! Verify the accuracy of sidereal and 13 sign astrology for yourselves. This is a very important distinction right here, to be on actual star placements. The difference between Cancer and Leo is massive! Like Night & Day. Cancer, the sign of Moon incubation and Leo is the Sun, manifestation. Before you can manifest anything, it has to be felt in the unseen world first. Cancers symbol in ancient Egyptian astrology is the scarab beetle. The scarab is a very mystical symbol filled with messages of the eternal internal world. It digs and buries itself just to be reborn again, much like the moon. This process of gestation and growth belong to Cancer. The mysterious and changeable sign represents mother ocean and all its varied existence. Everything is born from the ocean. Cancer is a cardinal sign and highlights feelings in motion. Emotion. The ebb and flow of life. Cancer is all about the family. The deep connections. Ancestral, karmic, and cosmic, they are all Cancers domain. Everything goes back to the ocean, the womb of all Life. New Moon in Cancer is here to remind us to nurture our roots. Water our seeds (ideas) and make our deepest aspirations grow. This is THE new moon of all new moons because Cancer is naturally moon energy! Intuition and sensitivities are heightened. Internalization, processing and deep acknowledgement are all very necessary at this time. We’re having such a strong feminine new moon cycle, this will lead the way into a mercury retrograde shadow phase of creative introspection! Like Leo, Cancer is totally creative. Those intricate emotions need an outlet or we could become prone to worry during this transit! It’s a time for poetry, praying, singing, dancing and emotional expansiveness. All of this spells out fulfilling family bonds and making deeper connections from within.

Scarab Moon
For this New Moon delve into some astral travel studies and sacred knowledge. The Akashic records are also emphasized for the New Moon in Cancer. There is a deeply internalized metamorphosis happening right now! Cancer represents the cosmic mother, so make sure to nurture yourself, your family and closest friends. Remember your past paths and expand on them for the future. I’m feeling an extreme level of de ja vu for this New Moon in Cancer phase. Like I knew this day would come. This energy will last for 2 weeks till the next Full moon. The Shadow of Mercury Retrograde will be here on August 10th! The actual Mercury Retrograde starts on August 30th. So get ready for many changes to intensify this month and the next!


Read more by  Raw Goddess Femi