Happy Full Moon!

Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying my 13 sign esoteric astrology articles. In reality there are 13 months per year! The Moon completes it’s cycle every 28 days. 28 X 13 =364 The number 13 symbolizes completion representing the Fullness. Moon Goddess Energy as well as the 13 Signs of the Real Zodiac. This Full Moon completed itself on border’s edge, the very last drops in constellation Sagittarius, the wise Sage. This actually means the message of this moon is stronger. Use this time to make sense of all the wisdom and lessons you have accumulated over the years, especially in the last few. At the end of 2012 for the Mayan Calendar alignment, our Ascension process accelerated. The Earth and all its inhabitants have been transforming rapidly ever since. That means you! We are All now called for this full moon cycle to dig deep and find the meaning. Use the wisdom of those lessons and the knowledge you have gathered to move forward. Traveling, gypsy and wise, Sagittarius in Egyptian astrology is Tehuti or Thoth. Spiritual Wisdom. Knowledge and therefore Magic! The Higher Mind.


Try to see the bigger picture in your life right now. With faith and the right knowledge anything is possible. Tehuti is the god of magic, wisdom, art, writing and religion. Go deeper into your crafts for this full moon alignment. Search for your purpose. Write it out. A short trip will help the process. It may also be a good time to move to a foreign land and learn something new. Just make sure to remember, traveling starts in the mind. Oh yes! Before you go to sleep tonight, think about where you want to go and who you want to be. This will be a great exercise for the next 2 weeks, till the New Moon. Sagittarius is a wondrous energy! Expect to see abundance and prosperity all around you! Promise yourself that you will expand your horizons in the next few weeks. A positive and hopeful mental attitude is Sagittarius’ main agenda. Let this and our rapid ascension guide you to a super optimistic attitude! I promise you will see and feel a difference immediately. The universe is rooting for us All right now! Take advantage of this expansive and dynamic star sign and all of our current planetary alignments! This is my moon sign and I am very thankful for the messages I am receiving right now! Do you believe in Magic? And what does it mean to you?


Read more by  Raw Goddess Femi