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- Written by: Raw Goddess
- Category: Femi
Happy New Moon!
New Moons are also known as Black Moons or the Dark Moon phase. Every month, the Sun and Moon are in the same space conjunct. Therefore, no light is reflected until they start to move away from each other, and the crescent begins to grow. The Sun and the Moon will both be in the constellation of Capricorn for this New Moon. Check your Google sky map apps.
I know all the mainstream astrology articles are saying Aquarius, but western mainstream astrology is not factual. It is not star based and does not reflect real star placements. Sidereal and 13 sign astrology have been my specialty for years and I am forever changed by knowing these distinctions.
Enough about western, this sidereal Capricorn new moon cycle will whip us all into shape if we obey our Ancestors. Capricorn represents our karmic lineages and the determination to rise above them. Hard work and preparation is Capricorn’s objective. Life is preparing us through major karmic cleansing right now! Historical events and important markers in periods of time will be completing themselves through this transit.
Read more: New Moon in Capricorn..The Year of the Fire Monkey
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Femi
I am a master astrologer with 15+ years of study and experience. I specialize in researching & decoding the mysteries the 13-Sign Zodiac. Over 10 years ago I uncovered the shocking truth that there are actually 13 sun signs not 12. Since then I have been demystifying and teaching the real Astronomical dates in relation to all planets, asteroids, and points when generating chart readings. As for myself -- I was actually born on the 1st day of the 13th sign November 30th--Ophiuchus!
I firmly believe studying astrology and knowing where the heavenly bodies really are is priceless. I have many other spiritual talents and astrology is one of the most important tools I use to help people because it is a energetic map of our physical existence on Earth. To know actual locations and energetic patterns is the only reason why I am a believer. Astronomy is the study where I get more clarity. I have essentially merged Astrology and Astronomy studies, proving that they both were once One.
I also do Chinese and Mayan Astrology, I-Ching, Kabballah Name Numerology, Relationship and Past Life Astrology, Dream Symbolism Interpretations, Life Path Numerology and Channeling. Please email me for more information.
The Origins of Your Soul
A voyage to the nebula that gave you life.
A 13-sign horoscope is just that powerful, its truth will awaken your soul to your conscious thread with the Cosmos. The chart is your map. Looking at your chart in the 13 sign Zodiac may shock you, but only because you have been fooled by regular tropical astrology before now. Their charts aren't correct. Astronomers won't use them because they know astrology is off by almost an entire sign! Astronomy --what we see-- is the only truth. Only the cosmic truth will help you remember who you really are.
That's because memory is the key factor in our lives, it's what we develop, what we intuit, and what the Cosmos tells us. Like water, timeless space is filled with memories, beyond counting. you may not recall everything, but the stars do.
Your chart remembers what you forgot
With my Deep Space Astrology Report I begin with the origins of your soul, using The outer planets, Pluto, Chiron, and the asteroids as our guides. They'll show us the essence of what your ancestors gave you, to lay the groundwork for your true calling, and also point to the source of your pain. Chiron and can help to uncover past life programming that needs to be integrated, or at least understood! Being born on the dark side of Ophiuchus has given me the gift of feeling dark energy from the Moon to lock on the hidden, lunar compass that alone leads us to our destiny, and shows the works we must accomplish in this life. I'll use the Nodes and Lilith to show me the way.
Your readings will include your 13-sign Chart, a full natal report with all the signs, angles and aspects. I'll try to cover as much ground as I can in such a short time!
(Love, Femi)
Order your Birth Horoscope to Raw Goddess Femi now. The price is $45.00
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- Written by: Raw Goddess
- Category: Femi
Happy Full Moon!
This Full Moon is happening in the constellation of Leo. Check your sky map apps! Leo Full Moons are some of the most royal of them all! In ancient Egypt, it is Sekhmet, the Lioness that is the keeper of the flame! Sekhmet is the goddess of war and healing. Her name comes from the ancient Egyptian word Sekhem, which means power. She was widely known as “The One Who is Powerful” and “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles” Sekhmet is depicted as a fierce warrior goddess with the head of a lion wearing all red