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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Theory
Cancer 13
Born from July 20/21 to Augustus 9/10 (the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Cancer 13 Zodiac Sign contains a few old Cancers born on 20 and 21 of July. Almost all the rest, born from July 22 to August 10, are old Lions.
Cancer 13 is enthusiastic and positive to the extent that severs relations with the old sign that bears his name. The new armor of the Crab - Cancer - is the joyous mood with resistance to life's hardships. He has the courage of its convictions and could reach the threshold of drama to support his friends.
He has a strong personality and generously shares what he holds to people he trusts.
To some extent, however, believes that his strong armor will protect him from the cruelty and hypocrisy of the world.
He firmly believes in his ideals and hardly influenced by others. His options are rather predictable in life but not boring or monotonous ... Sometimes he likes to go, like a crab, upside down in the stream and fully enjoying it!
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Theory
Gemini 13
Born from 20/21 of June to 20/21 of July (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Gemini 13 Zodiac include a few old Geminis, born on June 21. Almost everyone else, born from June 22 to July 21, are old Cancers .
Gemini 13 are sensitive, impulsive and sometimes unrestrained. Defending the weak with courtesy. In their personal lives are impressionable and vulnerable. Show compassion and not just in difficult situations. They are guided from their instincts which they trust almost blindly. Their affection is walking side by side with their skepticism and suspicion.
When holding positions of power are transformed into hard negotiators. They yearn a calm and balanced life although many contrasting emotions contradict their desires.
Many times waiting to be served all ready to dish, although they are sincere and honest hard workers and confessors of truth within them .
Along with Pisces is the zodiac Sign that have dual nature and dual energy. The struggle of opposites is strong as every virtue contains as a semen its opposite idea. Their life is a perpetual struggle between plus and minus, good and evil and should or shouldn't!. Hence, every obstacle they surpass has double value to them.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Theory
Taurus 13,
Born from 13/14 May to 20/21 June (the date changes slightly depending on the year , see the tables on the left menu for greater accuracy)
Taurus 13 includes part of the old Taurus, born from 13/14 to May 21. Almost everyone else, born from May 22 to June 21, are former Geminis.
The main feature of the Taurus 13 Zodiac Sign is that they're easily adapted to the environment in order to have fun in their lives . They want dialogue and mutual contact and have maintained their attachment to the Earth, traditions and customs of their homeland. Their pragmatism is ideal, as well as their abilities to negotiate that can hide some cunning to the ultimate achieve of their goals.
Another element of Taurus 13 is the balance of emotions along with the tenacity and perseverance.
They like the good life, good food as well as good outfit. They have obstinacy as a metaphorical image of their zodiac sign, Taurus, and when they believe in something they believe deeply in it!
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Theory
Aries 13,
Born from 18/19 April to 13/14 May (the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Aries 13, comprises part of the old Aries, born between 18 and 20 April. Almost everyone else, born from April 21 to 13/14 May are old Taureans.
The New Aries is the sign that has been taken the biggest shock because of the change from the driver's seat of the Zodiac. This position is now rightfully for Pisces 13 because they contain the intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun in the sky. Only some of them born from 18 to 20 April 20 remain Aries.
The new feature of Aries 13 Zodiac Sign is stability. It's also its implacable resistance to the attacks of people considered as "friends".
They have persistence to their goals and logic to direct them. Other virtues are willfulness and refusal of failure. They seek security by staying true to the traditions and manifest possessiveness in a clumsy sometimes way. The daily pick of occupations they enjoy does not spoil them. They love material possessions but their values are above them. They are good parents and loyal companions.
Their straightforwardness and honesty can sometimes put them in a difficult position even though this does not seem to worry them so much. For them it is important to defend their perspective. But in this way they immediately earn the trust of others.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Theory
Pisces 13
Born from 11/12 March to 18/19 of April (the date changes slightly depending on the year, see the tables on the left menu for more accuracy)
Pisces 13 includes part of the old Piscean, born from 12 to 20 March. Almost all the rest, born from March 21 to April 20, are former Aries.
The Pisces are the new leaders of the zodiac and this has implications for their multifaceted and versatile characters. Something that distinguishes them from their old sign is less selfishness and more positivity in the fields of their interest . Otherwise they are equally impulsive and passionate about the various manifestations and gifts of life.
Pisceans are polite, affable and frivolous. Their mind creates ideas and innovations and most have courage to implement new proposals against the public mind.
To some extent the two Pisces of the mark of their zodiac sign represent their two opposite and different natures that are difficult to reconcile. But, the compromise of opposites is their strong trump that they manage to use for building, in a unique way, friendships and relationships.