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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Aquarius (February 16 to March 11)
You are lacking in a sense of belonging Aquarius as feelings of loneliness seep in. This may be due to your high ideals and lack of reality about who you really are or want to be. Your energies are scattered and you need to get your priorities into a proper perspective to be able to direct your energy wisely. You need to work on nurturing the creative and softer side of your nature, as your energy can be too intense for others to deal with. Beware of pushing yourself too hard and too fast. The New Moon on the 21st August highlights your health, you need to make adjustments and bring balance into your commitments and routines, especially as Mercury is retrograding through your 7th house of relationships. You may feel burdened by the likes and dislikes of those you love and yearn to be left alone to explore your own interests. The problem is that you are stuck on certain ideas that don't stem from your own original thinking. The Full Moon on the 6th September urges you to slow down as certain changes take place within your home and your finances, this will be a hectic time for you will get through it. Meditation will help to keep you focused.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Aquarius 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Capricorn (19 Jan – 15 Feb)
You have an opportunity to reach the success you seek, as long as you are confident about what you are doing Capricorn. Inner truth will play an important role in your self expression and sense of balance. The best way of achieving this state of being under difficult circumstances is to relax and see the lessons that can be learned from them. Being critical about them will only block your progress. Around the New Moon on the 21st August, you need to feel that thing are coming into fruition before you can relax and see your worth. You must work on manifesting your dreams into reality by using positive thinking. Listen to your own advice. As Mercury is retrograding through your 8th house it is highly likely that you will be in a state of deep thinking and repetitive self evaluation, this can cut you off from your loved ones and your intimate relationships can suffer as a result. Exercise will be a good way of keeping yourself grounded. The Full Moon on the 6th September emphasises difficulties with your self expression, but you will have access to the necessary resources that can be of help to you. You will feel much empathy for others, but may feel unsure of how much of it you should give out. Be honest about how you really feel, even if you are not sure of how you feel!
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Capricorn 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Sagittarius(18 Dec – 18 Jan)
You are keen to share your thoughts and ideas with others as this season of Leo begins Sagittarius. You have a gift for listening to others and putting them at ease with sound advice. You have a way of creating good opportunities for yourself and can be balanced and successful if you can hold onto your self discipline and focus. Your usual sense of optimism is lacking and this is probably due to your present ideals which don't blend in with you present reality. You need to be willing to adapt them. Patience is the key word around the New Moon on the 21st August. You are eager to change certain aspects of your life but you cant expect these changes to happen overnight, which in turn causes you much discontent and difficulties within your relationships. Introspection is always good but too much of it can create a lot of confusion. You will start to feel the affects of the changes you seek around the Full Moon on the 6th September and it is at this time that you will realise that you need to let go of your old ways of thinking to allow in the new. You may find it difficult to express yourself or feel blocked by your present circumstances, your challenge is to maintain patience whilst trudging over rocky ground.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Sagittarius 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Ophiuchus (29 Nov – 17 Dec)
You need to relax Ophiuchus and get in touch with your restless spirit as past fears of rejection surface to be healed. Are you giving too much of yourself in some area of your life? You are going through many changes and fear that these changes will not include your deep need for independence and freedom of spirit. You just need to lighten up and go with the flow of the changes taking place, especially those that are happening within your home life. You will need to broaden your perspective and direct your energy wisely. You are drawn towards developing your higher mind around the New Moon on the 21st August and will find much comfort in studying and researching the higher realms the only problem is, is that you could become detached from the real world and from your responsibilities. You must prioritise your time and deal with what is important first. Mercury is retrograding through your 10th house of higher eduction which creates a mind overload. You must tap into your inner wisdom and not bury yourself in research to escape the real world. The Full Moon on the 6th September brings in a need for human contact, but you are just so shut off from the physical world that you are liable to come across as more robotic than human. Allow others to help you with your goals. Build on your self esteem as well as your higher mind. Pinch yourself if you must, to bring you back down to earth.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Ophiuchus 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Scorpio (23 Nov – 29 Nov)
Its like taking one step forwards and two steps back as this season of Leo begins Scorpio. You want change but resist it at the same time. You need to be true to yourself and make the most of the opportunities that come your way rather than control them and make them fit into what you think they should be. You are digging your heels in too deep and as a result, are blocking and depriving yourself of the joy you deserve. You need to go within and build on your inner strength and self esteem to find solid ground. The New Moon on the 21st August indicates obsessive thoughts which needs to surface so that you can analyse them in the true light of day. Are your motives based on what you want or what you need? You must look beyond the trivialities and focus on the reality of your situation. Compromise will be needed. Things will become much clearer around the the Full Moon on the 6th September and your life will start moving forward again although, you may still feel insecure. Have faith in yourself and allow the opportunities for some real growth to happen both internally and externally.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Scorpio 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):