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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Taurus (14 May – 19 June)
It seems to be all or nothing Taurus. Life is good and you want to enjoy this moment to its fullest and will expect certain people around you to feel the same too. Drama plays a key role in your personal relationships as you expect your loved ones to share your intensity and desires. You need to rein in your passions and express yourself more creatively. Watch out for 'being in love with the idea love' and being over extravagant. Others may not be on the same wavelength as you. You do have the ability to compromise, so slow down and see where others are at. Communications play a key role around the New Moon on the 21st August, but as Mercury is retrograding through your 4th house of home and family, old feelings of what made you feel secure in the past resurface and influences your way of thinking. Although pleasant, you must let go of these old feelings to allow for new growth in your new situation. You may feel that the needs of others are holding you back from fully enjoying the moment. Beware of illusions and open your eyes to your present reality. Relationships will become more stable around the Full Moon on the 6th September.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Taurus 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Aries (19 Apr – 13 May)
You must use a clear perspective when it comes to expressing your thoughts and ideas Aries, otherwise you can come across as forceful which will create clashes with those around you. You have a strong urge to break free from your present situation and live out your fantasies. Beware of self delusion and 'be aware' that you could live to regret decisions based on impulsive actions. The New Moon on the 21st August highlights your need for new and exciting adventures and you can achieve much in your own individual way if you have heeded the advice above. You are torn between your need to be loved and your desire to be your own person; commitment issues need to be dealt with. Mercury retrograding through your 5th house of creativity causes you to fantasise about your ambitions. Actions speak louder than words! Around the Full Moon on the 6th September you are still at odds with your self expression, you are having difficulty in being assertive and need to adjust your view of the world; stepping into other peoples shoes may help you to see things from a different perspective. It may be that you have to give up on a personal dream to develop self discipline. Set yourself a challenge on a more realistic level.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Aries 13 Characteristics!
Other horoscopes:
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):
- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: Oroscopia
Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Pisces (12 Mar – 18 Apr)
Are you putting others before yourself Pisces? You have a great insight into the higher realms of consciousness and can come to terms with your past misfortunes by rising above them with spiritual understanding. Old wounds from the past have been surfacing for some time now and you have managed them well on a soul level. Now its time to heal your heart, this may leave you feeling detached and insecure about your own self worth. You must follow your own mind and not allow other peoples opinions to lead you astray. The New Moon on the 21st August emphasises the need for you to develop your own insight as you are more vulnerable to being distracted by others thoughts and opinions. Analyse why you are so eager to follow them, ask yourself what it is that you are trying to escape from. Yourself? Ask yourself why you can make decisions for others but not for yourself. The Full Moon on the 6th September again emphasises the need for you to develop your own perspective. Spending time alone may help you to research and develop your own answers, don't allow your lack of self confidence get in the way, respect your own creativity and finish what you start. This will help you to build your confidence and self esteem.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Pisces 13 Characteristics!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (12 March to 18 April):
Aries Weekly Horoscope (18 April to 13 May):
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (13 May to 21 June):
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (21 June to 20 July):
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (20 July to 10 August):
Leo Weekly Horoscope (10 August to 16 September):
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (16 September - 31 October):
Libra Weekly Horoscope (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (23 November - 29 November):
Ophiuchus Weekly Horoscope (29 November - 17 December):
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (17 December - 19 January):
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (19 January - 16 February):
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (16 February - 12 March):