Horoscopes for the Season of Leo
Libra (31 Oct – 22 Nov)
Your expectations are very high as this season of Leo begins Libra. Any obsessive behaviour that you are experiencing is due to a deep feeling of inadequacy. You must be realistic about your situation and work on developing mutual respect in your relationships. You have the ability to re-adjust and compromise as long as you can maintain your self control and let go of your fears. You will need to practise what you preach around the New Moon on the 21st August, maybe you are evaluating your situation on your past achievements and how you accomplished them, but these methods of achievement have outlived their purpose and times have changed. You must adapt to the changes and allow your creativity to flow. Self love will be the key to progress. The Full Moon on the 6th September emphasises your need for self healing, as your feelings of inadequacy are heightened. Meditation will be a useful tool in allowing the healing process to begin.
Cast your birth chart for free based on 13 Zodiac Astrology at: Birth horoscope of 13 Zodiac Astrology
RaStar – Kim Lovelace, London August 11, 2017
Read Libra 13 Characteristics!
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